Category: Government

Columbus Adopts Horrible Campaign Contribution Limit Despite Citizen Outrage

After a second public hearing where citizens again strongly opposed the amount as way too high, Columbus City Council unanimously enacted a $12,707.79 annual limit on contributions to candidates for city offices. The fraudulent limit is useless for reducing the wealthy’s excessive influence on Columbus elections. This article was first published by The Columbus Free Press.

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Ohio Dem Leaders Hypocritical on Campaign Disclosure (Republicans too protect culture of corruption)

To remedy a broken campaign finance system, the 2016 Democratic Party Platform advocates a number of reforms, including ending “secret, unaccountable money in politics by requiring . . . significantly more disclosure and transparency.” In recent years, however, information has come out indicating Ohio Democratic leaders at the state level and in Columbus have acted to conceal sources of campaign funds. And Ohio Republican leaders have been no better on the problem of hidden donors. This article was first published by The Columbus Free Press.

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Ohio Inspector General Resists Investigating Massive Rigging of Workers’ Compensation Premium Rates

The Ohio Inspector General is refusing to investigate outrageous illegalities and unfairness in the setting of employer premiums in Ohio’s workers’ compensation system. A recent court case showed that the wrongdoing went on for over 15 years and forced many thousands of employers out of business. This situation is further proof that the Ohio Inspector General’s Office is in ineffective at responding to high-level corruption in Ohio’s state government.

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Rigged Premium Rates in Ohio’s Workers’ Compensation System Were Illegally Covered Up for Years

By putting in special fixes for employers who complained to legislators or threatened to contact the media about outrageous and sometimes ruinous increases in their workers’ compensation insurance premiums, the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation allowed the illegal rip-off to continue for years. Special interests in the workers’ compensation field were thereby enormously and unlawfully enriched. This article is part 2 of a 2-part series originally published in The Columbus Free Press.

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Successful Lawsuit Exposes Bureaucrats and Lobbyists Betraying Employers in Ohio’s Workers’ Compensation System

A successful class-action lawsuit revealed serious corruption in Ohio’s monopolistic workers’ compensation system. Special interests made huge sums from rigged premium rates for over 15 years, while tens of thousands of employers were financially destroyed or devastated by the wrongdoing. This article is part 1 of a 2-part series originally published in The Columbus Free Press.

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Columbus City Council Deceived Citizens About Public Access TV

In opposing the restoration of public access TV in Central Ohio, Columbus City Council was disceptive to citizens. The combinatin of opposition to freedom of speech and dishonesty toward the public presents a sad image of the Columbus city government. This article was first published by the Columbus Free Press in April 2014.

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Extreme Economic Inequality Harms the U.S.

As a result of large increases in the portions of income and wealth going to the superrich since the early 1980s, many economic and social problems have gotten worse in the U.S. A fairer distribution of income and wealth is needed to alleviate the problems. This aritcle was first published by The Columbus Free Press.

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At-Large City Council Elections and the Suppression of Free Speech in Columbus

Columbus city council and its wealthy supporters have restricted freedom of speech to the point where their views monopolize the local mass media, and alternative views are shut out. One way to help correct this horrible and un-American situation is to modernize council’s structure to include district representatives who are closer to the people and not controlled by the wealthy. This article was first published by The Columbus Free Press.

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